Insights | Integrity360

Integrity360 Becomes an OWASP Sponsor

Written by Admin | 13 September 2016 23:00:00 Z

Integrity360 is delighted to become an OWASP Irish chapter sponsor.

OWASP Foundation is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is dedicated to making application security visible by empowering individuals and organisations to make informed decisions about true application security risks.

OWASP does not endorse or recommend commercial products or services. Instead, it allows its community to remain vendor neutral with the collective wisdom of the best individual minds in application security worldwide.

Speaking about the sponsorship, Jennifer Connolly, Marketing Manager said, “We are delighted to support the OWASP Dublin Chapter. It’s through local support that OWASP can bring keynote speakers to Dublin with the aim of improving the local security community and we look forward to contributing to the promotion of the chapter.”

The next OWASP event will take place on the 22nd of September. 

Register Now.