We are excited to announce that Integrity360 has been selected as one of just 33 out of more than 400 organisations to join the prestigious PCI SSC Global Executive Assessor Roundtable. This selection reflects our commitment to advancing payment security and our recognition as a leader in the field. 

What is the PCI SSC Global Executive Assessor Roundtable? 

The PCI SSC Global Executive Assessor Roundtable serves as a direct channel of communication between senior leadership of payment security assessors and PCI SSC senior leadership. This collaborative forum allows for the exchange of ideas, expertise, and perspectives that influence and shape the development of PCI Security Standards and programs. By bringing together key stakeholders from across the payment security landscape, the Roundtable aims to address the challenges and opportunities in securing payment data globally. 

Integrity360’s Role in the Roundtable 

As a member of the Global Executive Assessor Roundtable, Integrity360 will play a role in contributing to the ongoing development and refinement of PCI Security Standards. Our participation will involve providing industry, geographical, and technical insights that will help shape PCI SSC’s plans and projects on behalf of the assessor community. This collaboration ensures that the voices of those on the front lines of payment security are heard and considered in the creation of standards that protect against emerging threats. 

Our involvement in the Roundtable is not just about contributing insights; it’s about being at the forefront of global efforts to secure payment data. We are committed to working closely with PCI SSC and other Roundtable members to address the evolving challenges in payment security and to help organisations around the world safeguard their payment systems. 

Words from PCI SSC Executive Director Gina Gobeyn 

Gina Gobeyn, PCI SSC Executive Director, expressed her enthusiasm for the collaboration: “The Global Executive Assessor Roundtable provides industry expertise and perspectives that influence and shape the development of PCI Security Standards and programs. We look forward to working with Integrity360 in our efforts to help organisations secure payment data globally.” 

She further highlighted the importance of diverse voices within the assessor community: “We need voices from across the assessor community to help ensure we are providing the best standards and programs to support the industry in protecting against today’s modern cybercriminal. We’re pleased to have Integrity360 on the PCI SSC Global Executive Roundtable to provide critical insights and help us build on the great efforts that are already being done to increase payment security globally.” 

The Path Forward 

Joining the PCI SSC Global Executive Assessor Roundtable is both an honour and a responsibility for Integrity360. We are committed to leveraging this opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the development of standards that will protect businesses and consumers alike. Our participation in the Roundtable aligns with our mission to be at the forefront of cybersecurity and to drive initiatives that enhance the security of payment systems worldwide. 

As we move forward, we remain dedicated to collaborating with PCI SSC and our fellow Roundtable members to tackle the challenges of payment security. Together, we can ensure that the global payment ecosystem remains resilient against the ever-evolving threats posed by cybercriminals. 

If you’d like to learn more about our PCI DSS services get in touch. 


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