As organisations everywhere edge their way towards 2023, we close off 2022 by taking a look at 22 highlighted statistics that were shared within the industry during the past 12 months which we feel rounds up the year and gives context to the current state of cyber security across the globe.


1. Around 236.1 million ransomware attacks were reported worldwide in the first half of 2022.1

2. The UK had the highest number of cybercrime victims per million internet users at 4783 in November 2022 – up 40% over 2020 figures. 2

3. 76% of respondents in a 2022 case study covering the US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand say their organisation has suffered at least 1 cyber-attack this year. This is a large increase over the 55% figure in 2020. 3

4. 69% of business owners are fearful that a successful cyber-attack could put their SMB out of business entirely. 3

5. 39% of UK businesses have experienced a cyber-attack in 2022 5

6. The most common cyber attack facing UK businesses as of November 2022 is phishing (83% of identified attacks). 5 

7. Misconfigurations were responsible for 13% of all breaches. 1

8. 82% of breaches involved the human element in 2022. 1

9. Insider threat incidents have risen 44% over the past two years, with costs per incident up more than a third to $15.38 million. 9

10. 43% of all breaches are insider threats, either intentional or unintentional. 9

11. The time to contain an insider threat incident increased from 77 days to 85 days, leading organisations to spend the most on containment. 9

12. Small, medium, and large businesses outsource their IT and cyber security to an external supplier 58%, 55%, and 60% of the time respectively. 6

13. In 2022, 43% of UK businesses are insured against cyber-attacks.

14. Three in ten businesses (31%) and a quarter of charities (26%) say they experience breaches or attacks at least once a week.5

15. 82% of companies provide access to third party vendors 8

16. Supply chain was responsible for 62% of System Intrusion incidents this year 1 

17. 82% of CIOs believe their software supply chains are vulnerable 7

18. By 2025, 45% of organisations worldwide will have experienced attacks on their software supply chains, a three-fold increase from 2021. 4

19. 160% of knowledge workers are remote, and at least 18% will not return to the office. 4

20. Financial services businesses take an average of 233 days to detect and contain a data breach. 8

21. The average  cost of a financial services data breach is among the highest of any industry, at 5.85 million USD 8

22. 38% of organisations listed employee burnout was the biggest impact of increasing cyber threats. 10

DRPS-CRAIf you have concerns around any of the areas highlighted in the above statistics or would like to discuss any of these areas in further detail please contact us to arrange a meeting with some of our expert team.

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  1. Verizon DBR report 2022  
  2. SurfShark Cybercrime statistics 2022 
  3. NCIS 
  4. Gartner
  5. NCSC Annual Review 2022  
  6. Cybersecurity Breaches Survey 2022  
  7. Venafi CIO Pipeline Survey 2022
  8. Varonis Data Risk Report 
  9. Ponemon Institute 2022 Cost of Insider Threats: Global Report
  10. Integrity360 Twitter Poll research