In 2023, it will be more critical than ever for businesses to prioritise the protection of their data and networks to safeguard against cyber threats. This will require a focus on implementing robust security measures, regularly monitoring and updating those measures, and educating employees on best practices for protecting company assets and data. 


Gaining Visibility and evolving technologies  

Gaining visibility is essential for maintaining good cyber hygiene. With visibility into its data and network activity, a business can regularly identify and address any potential security gaps or weaknesses, such as outdated software or unsecured devices. This can help prevent ransomware attacks and other types of cyber threats. 

Finally, visibility is also crucial for securing industrial control systems (ICS) and internet of things (IoT) devices, which are increasingly becoming targets for cyber attacks. With visibility into these systems and devices, a business can better monitor and control their activity, and take steps to protect them from potential threats. 

As our incident response team points out in this blog the need to get a clear oversight of what is on a network and what software an organisation is using is crucial for mitigating risk. A failure to effectively implement patch management policies or carry out regular vulnerability assessments leave businesses and organisations vulnerable. 

varonisThe rise of AI 

If you’ve been paying attention to the news recently you will have seen plenty of talk and debate over the increasing sophistication of artificial intelligence and machine learning software. Cyber security experts have highlighted these technologies as a potential threat as they enable attackers to automate attacks and launch them on larger scales than before. AI tools can carry out tasks at a speed well beyond human capabilities. To reduce this threat business will need to invest in cybersecurity tools and technologies with the ability to counter them.  

As a result, the adoption of Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), Network Detection and Response (NDR), Extended Detection and Response (XDR), Managed Detection and Response (MDR), and Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR) tools and services will increase in importance in 2023.  

While much of the media focus is about the possible negative uses of AI there are positives too. 

AI-powered systems are capable of analysing patterns of network activity and identify unusual behaviour that may indicate a cyber attack at a speed that is far beyond humans. They also remove a lot of the burden from often over stretched and under resourced security teams by quickly wading through the noise and highlighting areas that genuinely require attention.  

CTA-MDR-1Integrity 360’s new Vectra Managed Detection and Response service augments a SOC with AI and ML capabilities, adopting behavioural based detection instead of reliance on signature-based detection alone. The AI combines an understanding of the environment combined with threat models, and human threat intelligence, to automatically surface the threats, allowing for an 85% increase in efficiency of threat identification and a 2x rise in security operations productivity.  

Getting the Basics Right 

Education is the best way to reduce cyber security threats. By going back to basics and enforcing good cyber hygiene among employees a business can stay one step ahead of attackers and make them too tough for a hacker to bother with. Like most criminals, cyber criminals are opportunists who seek out vulnerable and easy targets.  

An organisation whose employees are aware of potential security threats and who take steps to protect themselves and their data, such as avoiding suspicious websites and being able to spot phishing emails, can help their business to prevent breaches. Organisations that prioritise security and have a culture of vigilance can develop process and practices that make them less vulnerable to attack.  

CRA Journey BannerHybrid working and Zero Trust 

The continued rise of remote and hybrid working has made it increasingly difficult for organisations to secure traditional network perimeter defences. As a result, they will need to adopt more sophisticated security approaches such as Zero Trust principles. 

Zero trust assumes that all users, devices and systems on an organisation’s network are untrustworthy, requiring them to be authenticated and authorized before they are allowed access to company data and network. 

In addition to providing improved security, adopting zero trust can also help organisations comply with regulatory requirements. In 2023, organisations that fail to implement zero trust may find themselves at a competitive disadvantage as well as be at increased risk of data breaches and other security incidents. Integrity360’s cyber risk assessment and assurance team can help you with any regulation or cyber security compliance needs.  

Geopolitical threats 

This year saw what was once unthinkable, a full scale war taking place on European soil. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has rightly dominated the headlines and concerns amongst cyber security experts.  

Both sides of the conflict have been accused of carrying out cyber-attacks on each other’s government and military networks as well as against private companies and organisations. These attacks have disrupted critical infrastructure and operations as well as creating financial losses for the victims.  

With no sign of the war ending any time soon the conflict will continue to pose a significant threat to cyber security in 2023. Organisations need to be aware of these threats and implement robust security measures, stay informed on the latest developments in the conflict and increase their threat monitoring of the region.  

While making predications is tricky, we can be sure of one thing, 2023 will not see cybercriminals rest.   

Want to find out more about how our MDR service and Cyber risk assessment and assurance team can help you plan your risk strategy for 2023? Contact us today. 

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