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Building a robust security foundation through Identity Security

Written by Matthew Olney | 08 July 2024 07:00:00 Z

Protecting organisational and personal data is crucial to protecting your organisation. To that end Identity security forms the cornerstone of a robust security foundation, addressing the complexities of modern multi-cloud environments and the expanding attack surfaces brought about by remote work and digital transformation. In this blog we look at how to build a solid security foundation through identity security, and how Integrity360’s managed cyber services can help.

Understanding Identity and Identity Security

Identity in cyber security refers to the unique representation of users, systems, applications, or devices within an organisation's network. Each identity must be authenticated and authorised to access specific resources, ensuring that only legitimate entities interact with sensitive data and systems.

Organisations are increasingly reliant on digital identities to access systems and data. With the advent of ubiquitous remote and hybrid working, employees, contractors and other third parties are accessing sensitive applications and data from everywhere. Machine identities have also become mainstream.

Identity Security encompasses the practices and technologies used to protect these identities from being exploited. It ensures that identities are accurately verified, monitored, and managed, preventing unauthorised access and reducing the risk of data breaches. Key elements include:

  • Authentication: The process of verifying the identity of a user or device before granting access. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds layers of security by requiring multiple forms of verification.
  • Authorisation: Determining what an authenticated identity can access. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) are common methods.
  • Identity Governance: Managing the lifecycle of identities, including provisioning, de-provisioning, and ensuring compliance with policies and regulations.

Key Components of a Strong Identity Security Foundation

Identity and Access Management (IAM): Implementing robust IAM systems is crucial. These systems should support single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), and role-based access control (RBAC). IAM solutions help ensure that only authorised users have access to critical resources.

Privileged Access Management (PAM): PAM solutions manage and monitor privileged accounts, reducing the risk of insider threats and external attacks. They provide fine-grained access controls and comprehensive auditing capabilities.

Identity Governance and Administration (IGA): IGA tools automate the process of managing user identities and access rights. They ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and help maintain a principle of least privilege.

Adaptive Authentication: Implementing adaptive authentication mechanisms that evaluate risk based on user behaviour and contextual factors can significantly enhance security. These systems can trigger additional authentication steps when anomalies are detected.

Zero Trust Architecture: Adopting a Zero Trust model, where trust is never assumed and verification is required at every access point, is fundamental. This approach minimises the attack surface and ensures continuous validation of identities and access requests.

How Identity Security boosts overall cyber security

Identity security plays a pivotal role in strengthening overall cyber security by:

Minimising Attack Surfaces: By ensuring that only authenticated and authorised users have access to critical systems, identity security reduces potential entry points for attackers.

Preventing Data Breaches: Strong identity management practices help prevent unauthorised access, reducing the likelihood of data breaches. Multi-factor authentication and adaptive authentication further bolster security.

Enhancing Visibility and Control: Effective identity security provides comprehensive visibility into user activities and access patterns, enabling swift detection and response to suspicious activities.

Facilitating Compliance: Identity governance ensures that access controls and user management practices comply with regulatory standards, reducing the risk of legal and financial penalties.

Supporting Zero Trust Models: Identity security is a critical component of Zero Trust architectures, ensuring that every access request is verified, irrespective of the user's location or device.


The Integrity360 approach

 We break down Identity Security into four main categories. These are: 

  • IGA (Identity Governance and Administration) 
  • Access Management 
  • Privileged Access Management
  • Identity Threat Detection and Response

Integrity360 understands that an organisation’s Identity Security is a complex ecosystem involving policies, procedures, processes, and technologies. Our approach is holistic, focusing on the vital triad of people, processes, and technology.


Recognising the evolution of IAM due to rapid digital transformation and cloud adoption, we offer cutting-edge solutions and technology that incorporate modern concepts like Identity Fabric. Our offerings in partnership with some of the top industry leaders include Managed Detection and Response services and technology like PAM, AM and IGA.  


By partnering with Integrity360, you'll ensure a strong alignment between IAM and Security leadership, involving key stakeholders like your developer and infrastructure teams, to robustly protect your organisation. 


Building a robust security foundation through identity security is critical in today’s digital era. By implementing comprehensive IAM, PAM, IGA, and adaptive authentication solutions, organisations can protect their sensitive data and maintain regulatory compliance. Partnering with Integrity360 ensures access to cutting-edge technology, expert support, and a holistic approach to identity security, making it a trusted ally in your cybersecurity journey.

For more information, visit Integrity360's Managed Identity Security page or contact us.