Today is Computer Security Day so what better time to take a closer look at a hot topic in the realm of cyber security, Threat Exposure Management.

What is Computer Security Day?

The Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) first inaugurated the day back in 1988 following an attack on -the internet’s predecessor- ARPANET that impacted 10% of the computers connected to it. The event was a major wake up call to the risks posed by malicious actors. Today, some argue that the day should now be renamed to Device Security Day as today many aspects of security now apply to smart phones and other IoT devices.


What is Threat Exposure Management?

Threat Exposure Management (TEM) is an increasingly integral part of an organisation’s cyber security. It involves identifying, prioritising, and managing risks across an organisation’s potential attack surface. TEM focuses on understanding the constantly evolving landscape of cyber threats and adapting defences accordingly. This proactive approach ensures that potential security breaches are identified and addressed before they can be exploited by malicious actors. Effective TEM strategies are crucial for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive data in today's digital world.

What Makes Up Threat Exposure Management?

Threat Exposure Management encompasses a comprehensive approach to cyber security, involving several key elements:

  • Continuous Monitoring: This involves a persistent assessment of your organisation's external attack surface to uncover potential vulnerabilities. By continually evaluating digital risks, organisations can stay ahead of potential threats and vulnerabilities. – Security Monitoring and Analytics
  • Vulnerability Prioritisation: It's crucial to analyse the effectiveness of existing security controls and prioritise them based on their impact on the organisation's overall security posture. This process helps determine which security measures require enhancements or replacements to bolster defences effectively. – Vulnerability Assessment
  • Mobilisation & Remediation Planning: Developing strategies for responding to identified risks is an essential part of TEM. This includes targeted remediation efforts and proactive measures such as conducting simulated or emulated attacks to test and improve the organsation’s resilience against cyber threats. – Cyber security Testing
  • Risk Communication: Effective communication about current threats and their implications for the organisation’s expanding attack surface is vital. Ensuring that all stakeholders, from employees to top management, are informed and understand their role in maintaining robust cyber security practices contributes significantly to a holistic defence strategy.


How to Reduce Your Threat Exposure

Reducing Threat Exposure in an organisation involves several steps, including regular software updates, enforcing strong password policies, and educating employees about cyber security best practices. Implementing multi-factor authentication and maintaining up-to-date antivirus and anti-malware software are also key measures. Regularly backing up data and conducting security audits can further strengthen an organisation’s cyber defences. By taking these proactive steps, businesses can significantly lower their risk profile in the digital landscape:

Scoping – Identify all assets within your organisation’s internal and external attack surface that could be targeted by potential threats.

Discovery – Use threat intelligence and other tools to uncover existing security controls, identify gaps in coverage, and discover potential vulnerabilities.

Assessment & Validation – Evaluate the effectiveness of current security measures using simulated attacks. Validate exposure levels by determining if identified vulnerabilities are exploitable through available attack paths.

Mobilisation & Remediation Planning – Prioritise remediation efforts based on vulnerability prioritization models such as CVSS scores or business impact analysis. Develop a plan for implementing additional security controls or improving existing ones to reduce overall risk exposure.

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Monitoring and Visibility

Effective monitoring and visibility are fundamental to successful Threat Exposure Management. Continuous monitoring of network and system activities helps in early detection of unusual behaviours or potential breaches. This includes tracking user activities, network traffic, and access to sensitive data. Enhanced visibility into an organisation’s IT environment enables quicker response to threats and more effective management of security risks. Utilising advanced monitoring tools, services and technologies, such as Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, plays a crucial role in maintaining a secure digital infrastructure.


How Integrity360 Can Assist You with Threat Exposure Management

Integrity360 can play a major role in enhancing your organisation's Threat Exposure Management (TEM) with a suite of services specifically tailored to your needs. Our approach turns every identified vulnerability into an opportunity for strengthening your digital defences, contributing to continuous learning and fortification against cyber threats.

Key Benefits of Integrity360's Service:

  • Proactive Threat Detection: Their service is designed to identify potential security threats before they escalate into serious issues, ensuring a proactive stance in cyber security.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrity360's solutions integrate effortlessly with your existing security infrastructure, providing a smooth and efficient enhancement to your cyber security strategy.
  • Real-Time Insights and Actionable Recommendations: We offer real-time insights into your security posture, coupled with actionable recommendations, enabling you to make informed decisions swiftly.
  • Comprehensive 24/7 monitoring and response: Our around-the-clock monitoring and response services ensure that your organisation is always protected, even outside of standard working hours.
  • Reduction in IT overhead and resource commitment: By leveraging Integrity360's expertise, your organisation can reduce the burden on internal IT resources, allowing you to focus on core business activities.
  • Tailored strategies aligned with your business needs: Understanding that each business is unique, Integrity360 offers customised strategies that align with your specific business requirements and objectives.
  • Experience unparalleled cyber security excellence: With Integrity360, you're not just getting a service provider; you're gaining a partner in cyber security excellence, committed to protecting your organisation's digital assets.

By partnering with Integrity360, your organisation can significantly enhance its capability to manage and mitigate the risks associated with cyber threats, ensuring a robust and resilient cyber defence posture.

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