ISO 27001 continues to be the most popular security framework organisations align themselves to but achieving compliance can be a challenge for many organisations. Luckily there is a service that can greatly help meet the standards; Managed Detection and Response (MDR). 

What is ISO27001? 

ISO 27001 is a global standard for information security management systems (ISMS) crafted by ISO and IEC. It offers a blueprint for entities to design, deploy, uphold, and perpetually enhance an ISMS. Securing this certification signifies an organisation's dedication to stringent information security protocols. This not only fosters trust among clients, partners, and regulators but also underscores their commitment to protecting sensitive data. Through adherence to ISO 27001, businesses showcase their robust security stance, ensuring stakeholder confidence in their operations. 


What is MDR?  

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) refers to external cyber security services ensuring protection, even when threats bypass typical security measures. MDR providers like Integrity360 bring to the table a potent amalgamation of services – from Managed SIEM and EDR to SOC and cutting-edge threat Intelligence 


How can MDR services help with ISO/IEC 27001:2022 compliance? 

 An (MDR) service provider can help organisations meet your compliance requirements more efficiently by increasing  visibility into your security environment. It can also enhance your security posture, reduce expenses, increase efficiency, and receive 24/7 monitoring and support from a team of security experts.  

The specific areas of ISO27001 that MDR services can assist with include; 

Control 5.7: Threat intelligence 

MDR offers organisations real-time threat intelligence, collating the most recent threat data from numerous sources. This intel can then be utilised to prioritise potential vulnerabilities and take pre-emptive steps to reduce risks that might result in a breach. The threat intelligence supplied by MDR services can assist organisations in meeting the ISO 27001 requirement to establish a threat management process. 


Control 5.25: Assessment and Decision on Information Security Events  

This deals with an organisation’s ability to assess information security events and further categorise them as information security incidents, to be prioritised and dealt with as such by all relevant processes and personnel. 

MDR services help by providing assessments of potential security incidents and help improve a response plan. Additionally, MDR services can provide real-time monitoring of the organisation’s networks and systems, allowing them to quickly respond to any potential threats helping them to become more proactive in their security, as they can quickly identify any potential issues and take action to address them.  

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Control 5.26: Responding to incidents  

Part of ISO 27001 compliance is having a plan in place to respond to any potential security incidents. Should the worst occur, an MDR service provider helps organisations respond quickly and effectively. Integrity360’s Incident Response Team for example can respond to an attack within hours providing an impacted company immediate support, including containment, and remediation.   


Control 5.27: Learning from information security incidents  

MDR services can help organisations meet this requirement by providing the necessary resources and information needed to review and analyse security incidents. By creating a paper trail of the entire incident you can identify measures needed to put into place in order to prevent similar incidents in the future.  

Control 5.28: Collection of evidence  

An MDR service assists with the collection and preservation of digital evidence related to any security incidents that can then be used in investigations or any legal proceedings. In short, MDR services provide the necessary resources and support to ensure evidence is collected and stored securely.  

Control 6.8: Information security event reporting  

An MDR service can provide detailed reports on security events, including alerts, incidents, and trends. These reports can be used to demonstrate compliance with ISO 27001 and other regulatory requirements. Additionally, MDR services can offer the necessary resources and support to ensure reports are sent securely and quickly.  

Control 8.1: Endpoint Devices 

MDR services tailor security solutions, ensuring devices stay protected and updated. 

edr-1Control 8.15: Logging 

MDRs offer detailed logging, from incident tracking to secure storage, making compliance streamlined. Opting for a managed SIEM, supported by an SOC, elevates threat management and offers cost-efficiency. 

Control 8.16: Monitoring 
External SOC services guarantee real-time system watchfulness, nipping threats in the bud. Integrity360’s 4 SOCs in Dublin, Bulgaria, Sweden and Italy ensure 24/7 monitoring 365 days a year. Perfect for showing compliance with ISO 27001.  

Want to learn more about Integrity360’s MDR and ISO27001 consulting services? Get in contact today and speak with an expert. 

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